Thursday, 30 June 2011
Enabling Disabled Gamers
It features a a segment where a gentleman called Chuck Bittner who describes himself as "quadriplegic stand-up comedian (okay I'm the "can't stand up" comedian) and avid video game player" talks about his petition for button remapping so he can more effectively (or in some cases at all) play console games. That led me to his site which is called Ask A Capper which is found here. It addresses some really interesting issues about access to games and is well worth a read / watch.
On top of that it's also well worth checking out the other Nerd Alert videos which amid the humour raise some interesting points. Their 'back catalogue' is found here.
I should warn you that their videos contain some NSFW language.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
How Not To Write...
Monday, 27 June 2011
iPad / e-reading / looking forward
With mobile gaming becoming an ever-increasing medium of game playing (who hasn't heard of Angry Birds these days) I thought that this was a great example of ways in which mobile technology can be 'exciting' and interactive and bring new life to literature. Not to mention that of course this could be integrated with games in the future.
(For anyone who doesn't want to / can't click the link it's a link to an article about The Wasteland and it's iPad app which is pretty cool!)
Sunday, 26 June 2011
A Galaxy Getting Further Away...
Star Wars Galaxies is a bit like UK libraries for me. I don't use my local library, but I still want it to be there. So when I heard that they're shutting down the servers and closing down Galaxies I was a little bit sad. I only played it for a few weeks, I didn't even like it very much, but still. I am unreasonably excited about the new Old Republic game as well. But still. It's sort of the end of an era. An era I wasn't part of, but I could have been... There's time between now and December I guess. I probably won't bother. But I'll always sort of wish I had.
Friday, 24 June 2011
Chosing Your Own Adventure
I was interested therefore to read this article on some of their evolution and loved the bit at the end about Utopia - options outside the choices. Even if you don't read the article it's worth skimming to the end just for the final few paragraphs.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
What I'm Playing Now
The Heist (iPhone) - I am not very good at puzzles, it's a fact, but I quite enjoy them. The novelty of The 'gimmick' in the Heist is very good. I'm not sure that they've made enough of it, but it's clever and worth the price of the game I think. Behind that there are some moving block puzzles and soduko, connecting the pipes and a sort of remote control thing. It's simple but it passes some time.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Memorable Games

Baldurs Gate (1&2) - Hours of fun with amusing parties, secret liches in basements, and a whole heap of quests to do (and expansions). Baldur's gate felt really close to an actual tabletop roleplaying game and it provided many hours of entertainment. The real beauty of it was that you could adapt your party to include different characters and that would lead to different interactions along the way. There was wit and drama in equal measures. "Go for the eyes Boo!"
Streets of Rage II was the first console game I got really into, it was on the Sega Megadrive. You could play it cooperatively with your friends and it was non stop action. Pretty much literally. Especially the lift level. Gods, I still remember that lift level!

Everquest & World of Warcraft are the two MMOs I've played the most, and I got quite addicted to both. I've raided, crafted, instanced and grinded away with the best of them. Well, with some damn fine people anyway. I've made real-life friends whom I treasure and lost countless hours of my life to them. Love them or hate them they are important parts of my gaming history!

GTA San Andreas was the first GTA game I played a lot and although 4 was incredible it was this that really introduced me to open world games. I like the free roaming go where you want (ish) style and the antihero / villain personna.

Mass Effect 2 & Dragon Age which I have lumped together because I played them very close together and loved them both equally. I liked the interactions between your party, I loved the storytelling and the way they were put together. They were great fun to play through and extremely memorable for the emotions they evoked, and the difficult decisions they forced you to make.

Batman Arkham Asylum earns it's place here - I've always been a batman fan and I think Rocksteady did a fantastic job of brining him to life in this game, the fight mechanic was stunning and great fun to use. I voicing was wonderful and the game was just fun! Rarely to 'beat-em-ups' hold my attention, but this one managed it hook line and bat-sinker.
Saving Private Ryan Mock Up
We looked at this as part of my OU course this week. The module was about CGI, video and Mocap. I think it's amazing, especially given that it's three guys in a car! Enjoy.
The Whys and Wherefores
So, I'll start with a post about what I'm doing here, and a little background. This is, if you like, the exposition! I was born in the year Star Wars came out. I played make believe games where I was Luke Skywalker on Tatooine when I was at the beach. I graduated early onto the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books and from there went on to D&D style games - Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and GURPS featuring heavily in my portfolio. I moved into Live Roleplaying and did a lot of it. Playing it and running it, even as a full time job for a while. It captured my passion and I loved the possibility of living out the games I had made up before.
All the while I was playing on computers. I started with an Amstrad 6128 and lived through the time when you could buy magazines with games you could programme in yourself using basic. Hours and hours frittered away! I then got a PC and slowly progressed through PCs to this day.
I have served my time as a Warcraft addict.
In more recent times I have played a lot of Xbox and gave up my PC for a bit (mostly after my laptop was stolen!) but have now returned to the PC. I also have an iPad and I love it and an iPhone.
In my other life I've worked in the theatre a lot. Mostly as a stage manager but I've done my time treading the boards as well.
Same years ago I decided that I wanted to get into the computer games industry. I gave it a crack, but I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't know who to apply with and, although I was ok at writing table top games and pretty good at running LARP games I didn't know where to begin with computer games. I was, understandably knocked back at every point. I was told that not being able to write C++ meant that I had no chance. I went back to working in the theatre and in production management.
Now, some years on, I am trying again, but this time with rather more fervour. I have a desire and an intent to get into the professional computer games industry. My writing skills have improved and I have learnt some more about what works in games. Now though I am focussing a bit more on my background knowledge. To that end I am taking an Open University course called T151 Digital Worlds. It's fantastic. It's begun the process of teaching me about games and how they work - how you go about programming them and making things happen. About the background of some of their elements and all sorts of other bits and pieces. It's great. I'll probably post some bits of 'wisdom' there at some point. It's a 10 week course and feels like a wonderful introduction. After that and beginning in September I am starting an MA in Games Design. I'm going down to working 3 days a week in a gamble to learn more and get a job.
I'm 5 weeks into the OU course and I thought I would keep a blog of the process. I'm not quite sure why but I hope that it's vaguely interesting to read and a place for me to keep note of some of my thoughts and bits I didn't want to lose. On top of that I figured I might one day look back and think about how I got to where I am 'today'. This will hopefully be that record.
Wish me luck!